Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mitch McConnell tries to turn Obama into Nixon

Yes, it's Mitch McConnell, again. Yes, it's Mitch McConnell. Again.
(Jonathon Ernst/Reuters) Apparently Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to ruin this blogger's day by making me deal with his inanity. First, he said he'd agree to a grand bargain, provided it means more tax cuts for the wealthy and cuts to entitlements.

Then he elaborated that the poor don't sacrifice enough and need to pay more, apparently to offset those tax cuts for the wealthy.

But that's all just typical Republican tax talk. This, referring to the Obama campaign and quoted by Kevin Drum, is quite something else.

What they're trying to do is intimidate donors to outside groups that are critical of the administration. The campaign has rifled through donors' divorce records. They've got the IRS, the SEC and other agencies going after contributors trying to frighten people and intimidate them out of exercising their rights to participate in the American political discourse....Of course, the temptation of anybody in power is to try to silence your critics.
Worse than Richard Nixon with his enemies list, McConnell would have you believe. Has Obama sicced the IRS on political opponents? Of course not. Will that stop McConnell's lies? Of course not.

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