Monday, January 21, 2013

The Second Inauguration of President Barack Obama #3

Watch live video here and join the conversation as President Barack Obama is inaugurated for the second time.

9:13 AM PT: President Obama's speech is now over. It's going over quite well. Kelly Clarkson is now singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee."

9:14 AM PT: Obama is giving the speech liberals have begged him to give for four years.
— @jbouie via Tweetbot for Mac

9:16 AM PT: Another terrific image from the inaugural ceremony:

U.S. President Barack Obama embraces first lady Michelle Obama after U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (R) administered the oath of office as the President's daughters, Malia and Sasha (R), look on during ceremonies on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, January 21, 2013.    REUTERS/Jim Bourg (UNITED STATES  - Tags: POLITICS) 9:20 AM PT: "We cannot mistake absolutism for principle ...or substitute name calling for reasoned debate."
— @KatrinaNation via Twitter for iPad

9:25 AM PT: Rev. Luis León is delivering the benediction.

9:25 AM PT: The inaugural poet lives in....Maine.  And he's gay.
— @BillinPortland via web

9:29 AM PT: And here's Beyonce to sing the national anthem.

9:32 AM PT: Meanwhile in Drudgeland:

Horseshit RT @DRUDGE_REPORT Drops 'Hussein' from the presidential oath...
— @steelekelly via TweetDeck Simply not true. He used his full middle name, just like in 2009. Man, the crazy is strong with those folks.

9:40 AM PT: Paul Ryan might not have won the vice presidency, but at least he got the chance to hang out in the same general vicinity as Jay-Z and Beyonce:

9:47 AM PT: President Obama formally signing documents to make his inauguration official and send to the Senate his nominations of Chuck Hagel, Jack Lew, John Kerry, and John Brennan which he said he knows the Senate will confirm "with great dispatch" (cue Joe Biden chuckle here):

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