Sunday, June 3, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Weekend Digest: Huge electoral week on deck, with Wisconsin a key focal point

It is not hyperbole to suggest that, short of November 6th, the next most important day in the election cycle may well be this coming Tuesday.

First off, you have primary elections in six states, with a total of 73 House seats and four Senate seats selecting their nominees for November. This includes the California primary, where a new format may well offer some hints to how November will progress in the Golden State.

Beyond that, however, there is Wisconsin. Two statewide elections and four state senate elections will determine the balance of power in what arguably has been the epicenter of the Republican revolution that was visited upon the country after the 2010 elections. Democrats are working hard to end the political career of one of the most visible figures of that revolution, while Republicans are expending tremendous energy in preserving his career.

On top of that, there was quite a bit of data, in spite of the holiday week. At the presidential front, the polling varied little from last week, and still portended a very competitive Fall at the top of the ticket. Downballot, meanwhile, the data was far more variable, with causes for both celebration and concern for both parties buried within.

All that (and more!) awaits you just past the jump in this, the "Main Event before the Main Event" edition of the Daily Kos Elections Weekend Digest.

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