Thursday, October 25, 2012

Republican menfolk forgive Mourdock's 'rape is a gift from god' thing, so it's all good now

Oil painting of God - "Let there be rape babies," God did not say. Hey, ladies, good news! You can unclutch those pearls, untwist those panties, and put down the smelling salts because that whole unpleasantness from the other day'you know, when yet another Republican man 'splained to us how rape babies are just God's way of saying, "Hey, girl, I like you"'is over now. Because Republican men say so.

Like radical bra-burning man-hating feminazi John McCain:

"In the years that I've been around, I've made a few ... and I've asked for people's understanding and forgiveness when I won't ' when I own up to it. It's when you don't own up to it when people will not believe you," McCain said in an interview Wednesday on CNN.

On Thursday, McCain repeated his support for Mourdock, and said he accepted the Indiana Treasurer's apology for his remarks at a Wednesday press conference.

Right. It's A-okay with McCain because Mourdock owned up his mistake and admitted he was wrong and begged forgiveness'by blaming Democrats:
In a press conference Wednesday, Mourdock accused Democrats of miscasting the meaning of his comments. [...]

"I think it's wrong when someone wants to take what I said and twist it," Mourdock said.

You can really feel the remorse, can't you?

But in case McCain forgiving Mourdock isn't persuasive enough, Rick Santorum, who is the Republican Party's foremost expert on how rape babies are a gift from God, also defended Mourdock:

He didn't say rape was a gift from God. You'd have to contort words beyond meaning to get that understanding of it.
Well, if there's one guy who knows which words to use to explain that rape is a gift from God, it's Santorum, who once explained to impregnated rape victims that their rape babies are "nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life," and rape victims should "accept what God has given to you." Goal Thermometer

See? McCain and Santorum are okay with what Mourdock said. And Mitt Romney "disagrees" with Mourdock, but he's still supporting Mourdock's Senate race, so it's not like what Mourdock said was that bad.

So clearly it's time for us to let it go, move on, stop politicizing politics, and thank God for his gift of rape babies and the Republican menfolk who are here to explain to us just how blessed we truly are.

Not ready to move on and get over it yet? Please give $3 to each of our Daily Kos-endorsed women candidates for the House and Senate, so we can send more, better women to Congress to fight back against the Republicans' War on Women.

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