Saturday, December 1, 2012

Remember when Mitt Romney was going to compete in Connecticut?

Voters stand in line to cast their ballot at Hartford City Hall during the U.S. presidential election in Hartford, Connecticut, November 6, 2012. REUTERS/Michelle McLoughlin Voters stand in line to cast votes in Hartford, Connectict. Romney's 17-point loss was a tie. The vote count in Connecticut is now final, and Obama won the state 905,083 (58.09 percent) to 634,892 (40.75 percent). Those numbers reminded me of this, from late August:
[Connecticut State GOP Chairman Jerry] Labriola says Mitt Romney, the former governor of next door neighbor Massachusetts, is within striking distance of President Barack Obama here. For proof he cites the latest polls showing considerable support for Romney in Connecticut: The Quinnipiac University poll this week showed Obama ahead by seven points, while Rasmussen had him ahead by eight points.

No one has ever looked smart citing a Rasmussen poll.

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