Thursday, October 25, 2012

Condoleezza Rice is in denial about Romney and Ryan's part in the War on Women

Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks during the third session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida August 29, 2012. REUTERS/Eric Thayer "Mildly pro-choice" Condoleezza Rice isn't fully on board with the Republican party's policies against women, but to her, that's okay, because she doesn't really believe that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would actually implement those policies:
"I would like to say to people that I am not always in agreement with everything that's written in the Republican platform about social issues," she said. "But I know that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are going to respect the views of those who may disagree on these issues. They are going to take that into account."
Um, right. Paul Ryan co-sponsored the forcible rape bill. Like Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, he's against abortion even in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother's health. The only thing Paul Ryan is going to "take into account" is his own extremism. As for respecting the views of those who disagree, he mocked the very notion of a war on women despite the battery of laws he supports that would make fertilized eggs more important than women.

And Mitt Romney? Well, he picked Paul Ryan as his running mate in a campaign in which he's trying to portray his grudging acceptance of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother as some kind of major example of his compassionate support for women's rights. As governor of Massachusetts, he blocked routine birth certificates for children of gay parents. That's not just refusing to take people's views into account, it's refusing to take actual living children into account. So, no, these are not the kind of people who respect and will take into account other people's "views." Or, you know, right to control their own bodies or get birth certificates for their children.

While Rice is satisfied with her belief that Romney and Ryan don't actually support the policies they support, she is not happy with the big meanies on the other side (you know, the ones whose rights are under attack):

"I am quite comfortable that those who talk about a 'war on women' are not just engaging in hyperbole, I think it's far worse than that," she said. "It is condemning people who are going to be reasonable and who are going to take into account the views of whom they don't agree."
So basically, this doesn't look like the wars Rice helped carry out for George W. Bush, so it's not any kind of war? And protesting the war on women is as much of an outrage as protesting the Iraq war was?

Rice should just tell the truth: she cares too much about social issues to pretend she doesn't have views, but not enough to reject her party. Powerful Republican men listen to her and she'd like to keep it that way, so it behooves her to believe they'd listen to other women, other black people, other people who are in any way not like them.

Show Condoleezza Rice just how unreasonable you can be. Condemn the Republican War on Women by giving $3 to each of our Daily Kos-endorsed House and Senate candidates.

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