Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hell to Pay: Paul Wellstone memorial edition nominees

Picture of Wellstone bus, taken by William Wesen on 09/25/2005 at Memorial Site Hell to Pay bug This week we're doing something different with Hell to Pay, and honoring the memory of Sen. Paul Wellstone. The plane crash that killed Sen. Wellstone, his wife, daughter, and staff was Oct. 25, 2002. To honor his memory, we're going to devote Hell to Pay fundraising to the candidates who best embody the spirit of Wellstone.

You had some fantastic suggestions, including two Senate candidates who have been previous recipients of our fundraising efforts, Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin. Because we've raised for them before, they're getting honorable mention here. Update: and also Jim Graves in MN-06. We've raised for him, too.

And greytdog had a great idea in picking both a Senate and a House candidate. The Senate nominee who came up most frequently with commenters is Sen. Sherrod Brown, and they make a compelling case:

Brown has guts and compassion which make him a champion. He knows the winger army of the night is after him, but he turns slightly and waves at them as he goes onward out of their reach--so far.  At least the wingers got this target correct because they have much to fear from a successful progressive.

by judyms9 on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 05:45:58 PM MDT


Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Another fighter for an inclusive govt an inclusive country - a man who understands that America is about Community, that the people are America's finest asset and greatest strength.

by greytdog on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 05:22:09 PM MDT

So Sherrod Brown for the Senate it is. Here are your House nominees:
It is so good to see David Gill on this list. Unfortunately David won't be my congressman due to redistricting. But I have donated to his campaign because his is a voice like Paul Wellstone's. David will provide a strong fact backed progressive voice in the house!

by Maximilien Robespierre on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 05:10:04 PM MDT

Rick's running an unabashadly progressive campaign and demonstrating that you can do that and win, which is exactly what Paul Wellstone taught us all.  Please do what you can to help send Rick Nolan to Congress as my representative.

by Joel in Duluth on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 06:51:41 PM MDT

Lois Frankel of Florida. She gets it. She understands that not only does she represent her district & her state, but that she does also represent every American in the House. The House of Representatives is the people's voice and Lois believes in people, she understands that this isn't just about women, it's not just about people of color, it's about Americans'about how we define ourselves as a people, as a nation.

by greytdog on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 05:22:09 PM MDT

Jim Graves -- he's from MN, he's running against the truly horrible (Michele Bachmann), he's a hotel CEO who's supported by the hotel unions, so he gets my vote.

by Tamar on Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 06:57:11 PM MDT

Long time reader, first time commenter... and I have to chime in about Ami Bera. He is NorCal's Paul Wellstone. From the first day I met him over 3 years ago, this man has made reaching out to local activists his priority, and he has genuinely appreciated my help and support. He is uncomfortable about his notoriety but continues to fight on because it has meaning, especially with Dan Lungren as his opponent. Ami is running because, as a doctor, he knows just how important basic health care, a clean environment, and the protection of women's rights are to our society. He gets it. In every fiber of his being. And it shows in the loving relationship he has with his own family. I can't vote for Ami because I don't live in his district but I would do anything to make sure he gets elected. And re-elected.

by SacramentosKing on Fri Oct 26, 2012 at 10:23:11 AM MDT

All making a compelling case, so here are your nominees for the week. Who's going to join Sherrod Brown as our House Hell to Pay candidate? Who's gonna give the Republicans the most hell?
  • Ami Bera CA-07
  • Lois Frankel FL-22
  • David Gill IL-13
  • Jim Graves MN-06
  • Rick Nolan MN-08

4:08 PM PT: I messed up. We've already had  a Hell to Pay for Jim Graves. So it wouldn't be fair to Warren and Baldwin to keep him in the mix. I can't edit the poll, unfortunately, but please consider him out of the mix.

4:20 PM PT: foreverblue makes a pitch in comments:

I strongly recommend voting for Lois Frankel (1+ / 0-)

We need her to defeat Adam Hasner, who was speaker of the most right-wing, Tea Party, special-interest controlled Florida House in memory. He abandoned the Senate race when he was hand-picked by Allen West to take his place so he could run in a more conservative district. We need her in the House to stand up to the GOP and support the middle class.

4:33 PM PT: Another endorsement, from peglyn:

David Gill!!! (1+ / 0-)

I, too have been redistricted out of Dr. Gill's congressional district and have STILL donated to him. A quality man and a quality candidate who has a real chance of winning against a man hand-picked in a Republican closed-door session- not even by the voters- and they are pissed about this. Please read about him: and support his campaign.

4:37 PM PT: Another endorsement for Frankel from Ricochet67

because I live in Florida and even though Debbie WS is my congresswoman (Yayyy!), I've been contributing to Patrick Murphy (against Allen West).  I didn't know that Lois's opponent was picked by that idiot AW for that district.

4:48 PM PT: tb92 says:

Please support Ami Bera. (1+ / 0-)
He's a good man, and anyone who can stop Dan Lungren deserves some help. Lungren isn't one of the loud Republicans that everyone knows. No, he's a quieter, slimier type. Because he doesn't attract so much attention, he can actually do more harm. We're in Northern California, so once we get a Dem in this seat, it will be ours forever. Consider it a long term investment. We're tied at the moment, so every little bit makes a world of difference.  Thank you!
Good point on getting and keeping a blue seat.

4:51 PM PT: It's hard to argue with this point from juddcbrown: "Raising for Nolan vs. the execrable Cravaack is a worthy endeavor."

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