Thursday, August 2, 2012

Steve King defends pro-dogfighting stance yet a-freakin-gain

(Think Progress) Actual congressperson Steve King, defending his stop-picking-on-dogfighters stance once again:
What I've said is that we need to respect humans more than we do animals. Whenever we start elevating animals up to, to above that of humans, we've crossed a moral line. For example, if there's a sexual predator out there who has impregnated a young girl, say a 13 year old girl, and it happens in America more times than you and I like to think, that sexual predator can pick that girl off the playground at the middle school and haul her across the state line and force her to get an abortion to eradicate the evidence of his crime, and bring her back and drop her off at the swing set, and that's not against the law in the United States of America. I have told Wayne Pacelle and the people who believe we should focus all of our efforts on the, on anything they can bring that limits activity around animals, that we need to respect and revere human life first, animal life second.
That is the most convoluted, crazy-ass rationale for blocking animal cruelty laws I have ever heard. Because sexual predators and 13-year-old girls and forced abortions, screw all of you and your anti-dogfighting, factory-farm-minimal-standards-having laws. What a jackass. (I also like how the offensive part is not supposed to be the sexual predator part, but specter-of-abortion-at-gunpoint part, because apparently if it were just child rape Steve King wouldn't give a crap.)

Seriously, now, just how many times is Steve King going to defend his stop-regulating-animal-torture stances? Apparently, it will be as long as it takes in order to get it through to people that he really, really doesn't like laws against animal torture: According to him, they "elevate" animals above humans, and so fighting against laws preventing such torture is the "moral" thing to do because abortion, dammit. The sociopathic dimwit might couch it in an argument that anti-animal-torture laws are a waste of his precious, precious legislatin' time, but that hardly squares with his efforts to spend even more legislative time trying to undo existing anti-torture laws, then bragging about it.

For those of you with no interest in seeing Steve King blather on in his usual confessions-of-a-serial-killer rhetorical style and so want to skip the video up there, I understand. I have already had about as much as I can take from this congressional bum-boil. The short version:

"Hi, I'm Steve King. Because you haven't made abortion illegal, I'm gonna kill this dog. Grr. Tea Party."

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