Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Obama ad: 'Romney's tax plan? He pays less. You pay more.'

Brutal new ad from the Obama campaign set to air in New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, and Nevada:

The campaign also unveiled a calculator to compare the Obama and Romney tax plans
You work hard.  Stretch every penny. But chances are you pay a higher tax rate than him. Mitt Romney made twenty million dollars in two thousand ten but paid only fourteen percent in taxes, probably less than you. Now he has a plan that would give millionaires another tax break. And raises taxes on middle class families by up to two thousand dollars a year. Mitt Romney's middle class tax increase. He pays less. You pay more.
You can tell from the script that it's a brutal ad, but the words alone don't do it justice. Take, for example, this image of Mitt Romney deplaning in front of Donald Trump's jet from the 20 second mark:
Still image from new Obama ad of Romney deplaning in front of Trump jet. The message is obvious: Mitt Romney is fighting for guys like Donald Trump and himself, and he'll screw you over in a heartbeat'and his tax plan is a perfect example of that.

With a normal politician, it might be impossible to convince voters that a plan like the one Romney is proposing requires tax hikes on the middle-class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Most voters just won't believe a typical politician would be that dumb, even if their plan actually does exactly that. But Mitt Romney isn't a typical politician, and everything about him'including his refusal to release his tax returns before 2010'makes this line of attack credible. And with a situation like that, the Obama campaign isn't going to back down.

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