Thursday, August 2, 2012

Congress not creating jobs, 'English Only' edition

Mitt Romney campaign ad in Spanish, 2012 Like us, Spanish-speakers!
But do it in English, you bastards. Steve King is such a miserable excuse for a human being that it's hard to keep track of all the different ways he sucks, but here's another one to keep in mind:
A Republican witness at today's House Judiciary subcommittee hearing on legislation making English the official language of the United States is from an organization with ties to racism.

Dr. Rosalie Porter, chairwoman of the board of ProEnglish, is testifying in support of the 'English Language Unity Act of 2011' before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution on Thursday morning.

ProEnglish is headed by executive director Robert Vandervoort, who came under fire for hosting a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this year featuring Peter Brimelow of the website VDARE, an organization labeled as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The panel also featured a speech from then-National Review editor John Derbyshire, who would later be fired from the magazine for writing a racist article in the wake of the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Hey, I remember that panel! It was the dancing with racists panel! Well, I'm glad to see they've moved on from getting fired from things to finally be re-introducing their "speek 'merikan" legislation, thanks to King's help. Legislation that Steve King himself is sponsoring, in spite of his deep-held belief that Congress holds too many stupid votes on stupid, pointless things already and why can't we just let folks torture animals so we can get to the real issues, which are banning all abortions and sending folks to Kenya to see if anyone there was sending fake birth announcements to Hawaii newspapers fortysomething years ago.

So that's what's happening today. A throwback congressional hearing on, for the umpteenth time, how America has turned into an ethnic-tinged hellscape where sometimes you get a form to fill out and there's Spanish on it and that makes Steve King feel bad because he thinks the form is insulting him behind his back. Or whatever.

There's two reasons I keep writing about Steve Effing King. The first is that my editors are making me do it, because they think it's funny to torture me by making me listen to this flaccid-brained blowhard and write about what lamppost this gigantic dipshit is licking on any given day. The second is that this clown is the face of the tea party Congress. Conspiracy theories, racism, more conspiracy theories, more racism, and an unrelenting hatred of the idea that anyone, anywhere is getting one damn positive thing out of their own government. There's him, Allen West, Joe Walsh, the very special idiot Gohmert, the always-batshit Bachmann, and so on. They're each despicable human beings in their own way, and together with a hundred or so identical clowns it is hardly any wonder that Congress has turned so dysfunctional they keep failing at even the simplest of their responsibilities, like budgets and debt ceilings and giving one flying congressional crap about the national economy.

So instead we get regulations aimed at making District of Columbia residents experiments for all the crap individual states would never tolerate, and "investigations" into whatever thing the always-pissy Issa thinks would make "good theater," and Bachmann's unironic McCarthyism, and all manner of hoo-ha about how the Muslims or the atheists or the gay Muslim atheists are coming to convert you to their gay Muslim atheist lifestyle, because of the United Nations and Agenda 21 and bicycle paths, and a Congress in which at least a quarter of the members are unrepentant, suit-wearing anarchists, always roaming the aisles looking for the next basic function of government that can have its windows smashed out with a barrage of tossed legislative cinder blocks. And that's not even counting the dedicated efforts to butcher each and every successful social program America has created in the last hundred years, because we just can't afford any of those things anymore now that we've given all the rich people yet another round of tax cuts and are in the midst of yet another election debating what new fiscal blowjobs we'll be giving them next time around.

I am not sure, in all of that, how "English Only" is meant to create jobs, though I suppose the next step will be to hire monitors to stand on street corners and in elevators making sure everyone's language choices are on the up-and-up. But good God, how shallow these people are'the whole rotten lot of them.

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