Saturday, July 14, 2012

Warren, Brown present deficit reduction plans, Warren wins

Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Warren (Richard Clement/Reuters) The Boston Globe asked the Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown campaigns to provide the candidates' blueprints for deficit reduction. While it would have been perhaps more productive for the Globe to have asked them their plans for turning the economy around, they didn't, but Elizabeth Warren has a much better plan not surprisingly, and the Globe says her ideas would "trim 67 percent more from the debt over 10 years than those offered by Brown."
Democrat Elizabeth Warren would impose higher taxes on top earners, end oil subsidies, and raise estate taxes to cut the federal deficit. Senator Scott Brown would repeal President Obama's health law, freeze federal pay, and consolidate redundant federal agencies.

Warren would not touch entitlements, while Brown would not touch taxes. [...]

Warren said in her response that 'Our first response should be to change the policies that got us here in the first place: end the Bush tax cuts on people earning more than $250,000; end the war in Afghanistan; and take steps to make sure Wall Street can never again bring our economy to its knees.'

Warren has argued for what Democrats characterize as tax fairness, saying that requires the wealthy to pay more. She has also proposed several unspecified additional spending programs, including money for transportation, energy, and education.

The analysis performed by the budget project committee showed that Warren's ideas would trim $1.029 trillion from the nation's projected debt and interest over the next decade. Brown's ideas would reduce the debt and interest by $614.4 billion over the same period, according to the analysis.

Brown talked about the Balanced Budget amendment, freezing federal pay, repealing the Affordable Care Act, and'of course'tort reform. The Republican magic unicorn of deficit reduction, health care reform and cure for the common cold. Oh, and using the Catfood Commission guidelines to whack Social Security and Medicare. And of course, no taxes on anyone. The "independent" Brown sure sounds like a Grover Norquist puppet on this.

And once again, the "tax and spend liberal" actually has a plan that doesn't hurt anyone but is more effective in deficit reduction. On top of that, it would actually create jobs. Which in turn helps the economy, and helps reduce the deficit. What a concept.

The country needs Elizabeth Warren on the national stage. Help her get there. Please contribute $3 to Elizabeth Warren on Orange to Blue.

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