Sunday, July 22, 2012

Steve King proud of new bill to prevent states from barring animal cruelty

Rep. Steve King Rep. Steve King, seen here practicing
his "serial killer's mugshot" look.
I don't think I've done much to hide my opinion that Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is pretty much among the worst of human beings Congress has to offer. If he's not the very worst, he's certainly in the top three or four, as is evidenced by his constant output of opinions and strange phrases that really, really make you wonder if he is not an outright sociopath.

Here he is talking about his new amendment seeking to ban states from passing their own laws on animal cruelty in the food industry:

[King] brags that his legislation 'wipes out everything they've [animal rights advocates] done with pork and veal.'
He's referring there to efforts by states to require farmed pigs and cows have the luxury of cages that let them turn around, which several states have already passed laws on but which people like Steve King is the path to communism. So take that, states who give a crap about cruel farming practices!

As Think Progress points out, King also is against anti-dogfighting legislation, so he's been very, very consistent on animal issues (though not nearly so consistent on the conservative states' rights platform, which only applies when Steve King says it does).

Oh, and he's also a goddamn moron, but that's neither here nor there. He just finds very odd things to get up in arms about. For Steve King, obsessing over the tyranny imposed by slightly more efficient lightbulbs is one of the less crazy things with which he occupies his time.

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