Thursday, July 12, 2012

Republicans create Obamacare repeal money pit, $50 million and counting

money swirling into a black hole With yesterday's vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (either the 31st, 32nd or 33rd, they've actually lost track) the taxpayer tab for these Republican temper tantrums has reached $50 million.

Actually, that's at least $50 million. This is relying on a CBS calculation that the House'with a schedule created by Republicans'has spent a solid two weeks, 80 hours, of floor time on the bill. According to CRS, the floor time for Republican Speaker John Boehner's House costs $24 million per week. Two full weeks of floor time is $48 million. (As if the Republican House operated on a regular eight-hour day work schedule.) That 80 hours would certainly be spread out across more than two weeks. Add to that the committee time, the staff time, and the price tag for the Republicans' massive waste of time has to be well over $50 million.

And Republicans want to spend more time and money spinning their wheels! Here's Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN):

'We got a big showcase of what's about to come this fall because we're holding on to the House, having Romney plus 50 in the Senate,' the Minnesota Republican said on 'On the Record with Greta van Susteren.' 'This was the appetizer, the foretaste. This shows that we actually will do it. We're putting muscle behind our words.'
Bachmann and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) are also pushing leadership "for a commitment to cut off funding to government agencies that administer the health law." And Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) promises:
'I think we'll do a lot more' to advance the repeal effort, said Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) 'We're doing more hearings' so that the contrast is drawn, that the American people know who's fighting for patients and that's the Republican Party.'
Republicans flushing more and more taxpayer dollars down the toilet. And that's just on the House side. Senate Minority Leader is promising to gum up the Senate works more in an attempt to get a repeal vote onto the floor in that chamber. They've got to cost us at least as much as the House.

These are the people who care so much about the deficit? Right.

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