Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Medicaid gap if states opt out of expansion

While Republican governors continue to grandstand over fighting Obamacare, saying they'll refuse to accept the Medicaid expansion, the scope of that refusal is starting to be clear. Ezra Klein has a chart that shows what will happen to poor people in the states that are talking about refusing the expansion. Here's the key sliver of it:

That middle section, in orange, shows the gap of people who will still remain uninsured and ineligible for getting either Medicaid or subsidies to buy insurance. Those left out are people who earn less than 100 percent of the federal poverty line, or $11,170 for an individual, and who aren't currently eligible for Medicaid. Because Medicaid was intended to absorb them, the subsidy levels were set to exclude them.

So there are all these people who would be stuck, well, with the status quo: uninsured with no hope of getting coverage. And they could thank their governors for that.

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