Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Log Cabin Republicans are a sad and lonely group

Log Cabin Republicans logo Sigh. Oh, Log Cabin Republicans. Will you ever learn?

The Washington Blade reports on Mitt Romney's very, very quiet meeting with a few Log Cabin officials earlier in the month. It lasted 15 minutes, but was apparently all that was needed to gain the LCR's endorsement. The optimism of the group is a sight to behold:

Previously, the Washington Blade reported Log Cabin was seeking clarity on ENDA before making its endorsement decision. Romney supported the legislation as a U.S. Senate candidate in 1994, but in later years backed away from that support. The GOP nominee hasn't addressed the legislation over the course of the 2012 presidential campaign.
Mitt Romney changed his position on something? And now won't even say what his current position is? That's unpossible!
During the meeting, Cooper said Romney was 'very interested' in talking about different state laws on workplace discrimination for LGBT people. A total of 21 states have laws barring job discrimination against gay, lesbian and bisexual people; 16 states and D.C. protect all LGBT people from job bias.

'He is aware that there is a kind of patchwork or quilt of states that don't, and that inequity was something of discussion,' Cooper said. 'Some states have it, and some states don't and this is where it gets confusing and problematic from an administrative standpoint as well.'

Raise your hand if you think the Republican approach to a "patchwork" of state protections against discrimination will be to propose a stronger federal law. Raise your other hand if you think Mitt Freaking Romney is going to champion a new law for workplace rights. When those workplace rights, his base says, are an outrage to their deeply held religious beliefs about how they ought to be allowed to treat their employees like crap.

Yes, no doubt Mitt Romney was concerned over all those laws.

Asked if there was any portion of the current version of the legislation to which Romney objected, Cooper said Romney didn't express concern about any particular language and did not object to protecting people from discrimination on the basis of gender identity. [']

'He gives us a firm personal view of opposing workplace discrimination without endorsing ENDA specifically,' Kolbe said. 'I think that it's an area of opportunity where we have an opportunity to make a lot of headway with him.'

Oh gawd, make it stop. The entire Log Cabin Republican premise is built on the supposition that Mitt Romney "not expressing concern about any political language" counts as opportunity.

Have these poor people been paying attention at all during this campaign season? I can only assume not, since nothing else that's happened over the last few years has seemed to affect them.

Please give the president a boost by chipping in $5 to help him close strong in the final days of this campaign.

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