Friday, July 6, 2012

Man who doesn't know the meaning of embarrassment thinks President Obama should be embarrassed

Samuel Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber Samuel the non-plumber (Rona Proudfoot) Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher thinks President Obama should be "embarrassed" to campaign in Ohio. Let's break this down for a minute. Here's a man who came to national attention claiming a name and profession that weren't quite his and a future income level he was not going to achieve and who has gone on to run for Congress in an overwhelmingly Democratic district, raising little money and not filing FEC reports on time, and he thinks it's President Obama who should be "embarrassed."

Although Wurzelbacher's entire public profile, the reason he's made $140,000 since 2010 speaking to Republican groups like Americans for Prosperity and Friends of Herman Cain, is thanks to asking then-Sen. Obama a misleading question, he doesn't want to try that routine again, saying, "His ideology and mine are completely different, and I have no real reason to listen to him speak."

Oh yeah, and:

"If I was Obama, I would be embarrassed to come here," Wurzelbacher said.
This actually makes some sense. Joe the Wurzelbacher is a guy whose actions clearly show he does not know the meaning of embarrassment in his own life. He's only too happy to make a living on a combination of lies and braggadocio. By contrast, Obama is a president whose auto rescue has meant added jobs and workers taking home bonus checks in Ohio, a president whose Affordable Care Act has allowed nearly 100,000 young Ohioans to have health care through their parents' insurance, has saved Ohio seniors in the donut hole more than $24 million, and is getting more than 143,000 Ohio residents more than $11 million in rebates from insurance companies that spent too much on executive salaries and marketing and not enough on patient care.

Maybe Wurzelbacher just finds legitimate achievement and helping people to be embarrassing. It would explain a lot.

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