Thursday, July 12, 2012

Jackass Michele Bachmann accuses Clinton deputy chief of staff of being a Muslim conspirator

Michele Bachmann Rep. Michele Bachmann, who actually ran
for president because Republican standards
have gotten just that low.
(Gage Skidmore)
  Even after spending so much time marveling at Michele Bachmann's conspiracy theories, ridiculous pronouncements and general stupidity, it's still important to remember that deep down, she is just a horrible freaking person. She and a few other House Republicans have been sending letters to government agencies demanding they investigate the supposed "deep penetration" of the Muslim Brotherhood in our government, as represented by people like Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin:
Reps. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, Thomas Rooney, R-Fla., and Lynn Westmoreland, R-Ga., joined Bachmann in cosigning the letters, which cite people or actions by the agencies that raise the lawmakers' concerns.

The letter to the State Department singles out Huma Abedin, a deputy chief of staff for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and asserts that three of Abedin's family members are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. It says Abedin's position affords her access to Clinton, and adds that the department has 'taken actions recently that have been enormously favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood and its interests.'

A quick summary of the rest of the letter is that the State Department hasn't been treating Muslim countries crappily enough for Bachmann's tastes recently, so that shows teh Muslims are secretly in charge of'you know what? I don't even freaking care anymore. The letter is here, if you're feeling adventurous. Or, you know, high. And the reason the name Huma Abedin might sound familiar is because she's married to ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, who made a bit of news a while back, but there's no word on how Weiner might be connected to this nefarious plot.

Rep. Keith Ellison, who is also from Minnesota and who heads the large state caucus of people who are really, really embarrassed that Michele Bachmann somehow continues to have a job, said in response:

'If she has sources for this type of information, she owes it to the country to reveal them to the proper authorities, but definitely not this way,' Ellison said. 'If she doesn't have this type of information, she should not be whipping up fear and hysteria about a very important matter.'
Well, at the very least I think Bachmann needs to get right on that. Surely, if you're waving around a list of Muslim-lookingish people in government who you say are probably terrorists or something, you've got some better info for such a claim than anti-Muslim conspiracy shitbag Frank Gaffney. Since Bachmann has been claiming super-secret sensitive security knowledge long before Sen. Scott Brown made that whole gambit look stupid with his secret meetings with invisible royalty, we can only presume that she does have that information, but is choosing not to share it with anyone because she is in on the conspiracy.

We're through the looking glass, people. Well, at least she is. Hope the talking rabbit can lead her home.

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