Thursday, July 19, 2012

If 'economic dependency' means taxpayer supported, Allen West is Exhibit A

David Nir summarizes the ad:

GOP freshman Allen West has released his second ad, a paean to "good education" in which he also deploys a few phrases that burgeoning conservatives start to fall in love with around the 10th grade. West says that in his upbringing in inner-city Atlanta, he had the choice between "economic freedom" and "economic dependency" (code for welfare, of course). He adds that "every child should have the equality of opportunity I did"'the opposite of which is "equality of result," which is code for "doing anything to help the less fortunate."
Economic dependency? That's code for living off "big government" in the teabagger dictionary. Yet look at West's biography: He first went to a public university, the University of Tennessee, where he enjoyed a publicly subsidized education. He then joined the U.S. Army, where the American taxpayers took good care of him. Then, as he says in the ad, he became a public high school teacher. Guess who funded his paycheck?

Of course, he couldn't hack it and only worked a single year as a high school teacher before he bailed out to work for ... a defense contractor. Those guys wouldn't exist without the U.S. taxpayer. Finally, he ended up in Congress, where his paycheck is covered by ... us, the taxpayers.

In other words, he has never had a job where he wasn't living off the American taxpayer. According to his own tea party crowd, that's the very definition of "economic dependency." And that's supposed to be bad! (Even though it isn't ...) So go ahead and throw in "hypocrisy" into his pile of sins, though as a Republican, we could've assumed as much.

Now the path to Speaker Nancy Pelosi goes straight through this district, so give $3 (or more!) to West's Democratic challenger, Patrick Murphy.

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