Thursday, July 19, 2012

Don't explain, DOUBLE DOWN!

working hands Photo by Tony Smallman
MITT ROMNEY: 'The idea, to say that Steve Jobs didn't build Apple, that Henry Ford didn't build Ford Motor'to say something like that is not just foolishness: it's insulting to every entrepreneur, every innovator in America, and it's wrong.'
So Democrats may be wondering how to respond to the "you didn't build that" remark by President Obama that the Romney campaign is taking all out of context. Maybe some Democrats are complaining about being taken out of context. Well, welcome to presidential politics. Live with it.

If it were me in charge, I'd be DOUBLING DOWN. Yeah ... YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!

Did Steve Jobs stand on an assembly line and assemble the iPod? No. Did Henry Ford attach motors to the Model T? No. Thousands of ordinary folks who get up in the morning and with calloused hands and sweaty brows...they are the ones who built those companies. Salesmen and customer service reps and repairmen and ordinary consumers. That's who built those companies. Mitt Romney seems to think that its the team owners who win championships and not the team. He seems to think its owners whose money matters, and not the fans. Any real businessman knows you'll never make a dime without your employees and your customers.

 Mitt Romney may be on the side of owners, but me...I'm on the side of the employees and the customers. Its great for entrepreneurs and shareholders and bondholders to make money. That's wonderful. But somebody needs to stand up on the side of people who do the not so glamorous work in this country. Mitt Romney wont. I will. That's why I'm running for a second term as President of the United States.

It's a numbers game when it comes to votes. I'll take employees and customers over owners any day of the week.

Please alert national Democrats.

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