Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Conservatives want to campaign on health care, but look at who they nominated

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addresses supporters during a Despite going through the trouble of printing up that poster backdrop, Romney is crying "uncle" on health care. (Reuters) This seriously cracks me up!
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court health care ruling, the early conventional wisdom was that an unfavorable health care ruling at the court would be good for Republicans politically, even as it was a serious policy setback for conservatives. But that's not shaping up to be the case. Mitt Romney, after giving a brief statement decrying the decision, has been virtually silent on criticizing the health care law. He's been on vacation and his campaign has been giving off clear signals that it doesn't want to make health care a major part of the election.
Conservatives are furious! The Breitbarts ran a piece headlined:
Too bad Romney can't fight this shit. The "tax" was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation, enthusiastically adopted by Romney in Massachusetts, and upheld by the Supreme Court's foremost corporatist justice. And there would be even more Roberts on the court if Romney wins in November. He's promised it.

If conservatives have a problem with any of this, then maybe they shouldn't have nominated him in the first place. It's not as if they didn't have a choice. They just made a crappy one.

Their big idea, their candidate.

Why are they angry again?

On the other hand, it WOULD be awesome for Romney to quit now. Maybe we'd get Herman Cain redux!

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