Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why the world may change on Sunday (and how it could affect the 2012 election)

Photograph of ancient Greek statue The most important election of the year isn't taking place on Nov 6, 2012. It's taking place this Sunday, in a broken nation thousands of miles away. It's being undertaken by a frightened and frustrated people who have the potential to send the entire world economy into a tailspin.

The mulligan election in Greece will be the second attempt to form a government in as many months. Greece is suffering through an economic crisis the likes of which a modern developed country has never seen. As much as certain Greek political parties dispute the characterization, the world has framed Sunday's election as a referendum on Greece's continued participation in the eurozone.

'If any analyst claims to definitively know what the outcome of the election will be or what impact any election outcome will have, they're lying. Uncertainty is the new Zeus, holding dominion over the entire landscape.

(Continue reading below the fold)

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