(Steve Marcus/Reuters) Willard wants a jobs plan:
"[W]ith America in crisis, with 23 million people out of work or stopped looking for work, he hasn't put forth a plan to get us working again," Romney said Tuesday. "Now I know we're getting close to an election so he'll come out with one soon, but three and a half years later, we're waiting."What a great idea. So great that President Obama has already done just that. He did it in September. And other than its tax cuts, House Republicans refused to pass it. (Even passing those was like pulling teeth.)
Republicans had so little interest in moving forward with Obama's jobs plan that when he originally requested a joint session of Congress to propose it, John Boehner said no'because Mitt Romney and the other Republican clowns were having a presidential debate. Boehner literally put debates before jobs.
Just in case Mitt Romney was too focused on battling Rick Perry and Rick Santorum to have noticed, President Obama offered a reminder on Friday of some of the things that he proposed'and House Republicans blocked. Things like putting teachers, cops, and firefighters back on the job to combat the bleed of jobs from state and local governments. Things like putting construction workers back to work rebuilding roads, bridges and airports. Things like helping small businesses hire workers and boost income. Things like allowing homeowners to refinance to take advantage of lower rates.
Things, in short, that would boost the economy and create jobs. And things that House Republicans refused to pass. If Mitt Romney really wanted economic growth, he'd be asking why Congress hasn't done more with President Obama's plan. Instead, he's pretending that Obama never offered it.
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