Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Impromptu Wisconsin live blog #4

Ds made up 35% of electorate in #wirecall, 39% in '08. But, GOP didn't increase - 33%  today and '08. Also, % of liberals same 2day as '08
' @amyewalter via TweetDeck

Our official election night liveblog doesn't start until later, but Wisconsin has provided more pre-results news than any other election I can remember. It's absolute mania.

To recap, turnout is huge everywhere. But there are more Democrats than Republicans in Wisconsin, so if we get our people to turn out, we win.

On that front, things look promising. Madison expects turnout at 119 percent -- possible because of same-day voter registration. Milwaukee, which slept through the 2010 election, appears awake. Multiple reports peg turnout at the state's largest city approaching 2008 presidential levels.

To be sure, Republicans are experiencing massive turnout as well. Wisconsin is proof today that polarized politics motivates people to get engaged, contrary to what the know-nothings in the national punditry (and No Labels/Third Way/Unity 08/Americans Elect) love to claim. It's true democracy! People feel like they have a real choice, and they're getting engaged!

Meanwhile, Republicans (promoted by Fox and the Breitbarts) are concocting some conspiracy theory about Dems busing black people from Detroit in FOUR buses to throw the election to Democrat Tom Barrett. The source of the conspiracy? A random person who refused to give his name calling in to a random radio conservative radio show. No joke.

With that background, let's get back to impromptu live blogging.

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