Saturday, June 2, 2012

Forward! (For Wisconsin, that means past Scott Walker)

The state of Wisconsin's motto is "Forward." Scott Walker is using the state's motto in his most current TV ad, the one where he just makes stuff up about Wisconsin gaining jobs.

At the 27 second mark in the ad he actually says, "The reforms are working and we are moving Wisconsin forward." Forward? Does Gov. Walker even know what "forward"  means? According to Webster's, "forward" in the context of Wisconsin's motto means:
ˈfo'r-w'rd, also 'f'- or 'fo'-, Southern also 'fär-\
5 a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress
Now, let's see what Scott Walker has done since he has been in office.
  1. Eliminated public employees' right to collectively bargain (a law that had been in place since 1959).
  2. Cut education funding at unprecedented levels (going against the Wisconsin Idea).
  3. Scott Walker has sought to undo one of Robert M. La Follette's chief reforms by rolling back his comprehensive civil service act. The landmark civil service law was triumph in removing partisanship and patronage from government. Walker has changed many civil service positions to appointed positions.
  4. Has opted not to prosecute environmental law violators.
  5. His Republican-led legislature violated the open meetings law to pass Act 10. On top of that the conservative Supreme Court ruled that the legislature does not have to follow laws it passed about open meetings.
  6. Repealed equal pay laws.
  7. Repealed comprehensive sex education.
  8. Created unnecessary hurdles for women seeking an abortion.
  9. Has ordered the attorney general to not defend the Domestic Partnership Registry.

There are many, many more examples; however, I think the above show a pattern. Wisconsin is not moving forward. Wisconsin is moving backward under Governor Walker. If he wins the upcoming election I am sure we will see legislation advanced that will make Wisconsin a right to work (for less) state, as well as further education cuts and further job losses. We will also see the best and brightest leaving our university system to go somewhere else where they are appreciated.

The goal of Gov. Walker and the right-wing millionaires and billionaires is money. They see profit in privatized education, privatized hunting, no public transportation, no unions and no voice for anyone not in the 1 percent. We know that his goal with with Act 10 was to divide and conquer. Now is the time to stand together, defeat Walker and really move Wisconsin forward.

Please give $4 to help Tom Barrett defeat Scott Walker on June 5 so Wisconsin can really move forward.

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