Thursday, September 20, 2012

Romney makes another really bad pitch to lady voters

Yeah. This ain't gonna work either:

LADY VOICEOVER: Dear Daughter, welcome to America. Your share of Obama's debt is over 50 thousand dollars. And it grows every day. Obama's policies are making it harder on women. The poverty rate for women'the highest in 17 years. More women are unemployed under President Obama. More than 5.5 million women can't find work. That's what Obama's policies have done for women. Welcome, daughter.

MITT ROMNEY: I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message.

Romneyland keeps insisting that what women really care about is the economy'and nothing else. Not equal pay. Not programs to fight domestic violence. Not health care. Definitely not birth control. All of which are economic issues, by the way, but "the economy," as defined by the Romney campaign, simply means vague references to the deficit.

For months, every single poll has shown that this strategy is not working. Women don't like Mitt Romney. Women don't think he understands or knows how to address what they do care about. And the more women see of him, the more he proves that to be the case.

But Romney has nothing else to offer women, so now there's a brand new ad featuring a pretty white lady and a baby and the word "women" five times. (Saying "women" a lot is a really big part of the Romney strategy.)

It's nothing new, but it's all Mitt's got. And even though it hasn't worked yet, maybe it'll work this time, right?

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