Results: Calif. | Iowa | Montana | New Jersey | New Mexico | S. Dakota | Wisconsin
6:57 PM PT (Steve Singiser): In New Jersey, Democratic chances in NJ-05 were probably doomed a few months back when New York Giants Hall of Famer Harry Carson demurred from a bid. But the guy many thought was the most electable alternative, Jason Castle, is currently down by 16 points to Teaneck deputy mayor Adam Gussen (52-36), with more than half of the precincts in.
6:58 PM PT (kos): Without Dane or Milwaukee reporting in serious numbers, it seems kind of curious to call this so quickly. However, if you look at this nifty chart, you see that so far Barrett is running ahead of 2010 in most counties. Anything above the line is good for Walker, and remember -- that's just to get to 2010 numbers. Barrett needed to outperform them to defeat Walker.
7:01 PM PT (James L): The AP has called the SD-AL (D) primary for Matt Varilek, who absolutely stomped one-time ostrich rider and Minnehaha County Commissioner Jeff Barth by a 73-27 margin. Varilek will challenge frosh GOP Rep. Kristi Noem this November.
7:04 PM PT (jeffmd): Rothman did surprisingly well in the Hudson County parts of NJ-09. But that still doesn't detract from the 92-8 Pascrell ran in the Passaic County parts. Rothman needs to pick it up in Bergen, or this will be over real soon...
7:04 PM PT: Polls have now closed in Iowa and Montana.
7:05 PM PT (kos): I've noted all day that GOP turnout was huge in GOP districts (just as it was in Democratic ones). But if you want to get a sense of HOW huge, check this:
— @MadPolitics via TweetDeck Fon Du Lac is a 64-35 Walker county.
7:10 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): New thread here.
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