A pretty good rule of thumb, it would seem, is that when everyone else says one thing, and you say something vastly different, it is unlikely that everyone else is the one that's wrong.
Yet that's where we find ourselves today, as the House of Ras claims a three-point lead for Mitt Romney in Wisconsin. That is despite the fact that the (corrected) exit polls from last week had Obama up by 7, and a poll by the GOP-affiliated outlet We Ask America last week had Obama up by 5.
It is possible, I suppose, that Rasmussen is ahead of the curve on this one. But, given their track record, some skepticism is probably justified.
On to the numbers:
NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Obama d. Romney (46-45)DOWNBALLOT POLLING:NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney d. Obama (48-44)
NEVADA (PPP): Obama d. Romney (48-42)
WISCONSIN (Rasmussen): Romney d. Obama (47-44)
NC-GOV (PPP): Pat McCrory (R) 47, Walter Dalton (D) 40A few thoughts, as always, await you just past the jump...
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