Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crybaby John McCain still bitter about that whole losing in 2008 thing

John McCain angry face This man needs a hug You remember John McCain, right? Crusty old dude often seen shaking his fists at clouds and reminding you'again'of that one time he couldn't shake his fists for five and a half years because he was busy being a shitty pilot and getting captured in Vietnam? John McCain, for whom all news is excellent news? John McCain, the most mavericky maverick who ever mavericked? John McCain, Mr. Sensitive?

Wait'what? Mr. Sensitive? John McCain?

Yep, that's right. Turns out he has a really, really sensitive side:

'Let's get real here,' McCain told The Hill. 'There was never any outreach from President Obama or anyone in his administration to me.'
Whoa. Whoa. John McCain runs a campaign claiming "That One" isn't a real American, but an empty suit Paris Hilton-type celebrity who pals around with terrorists, and President Obama didn't send him a box of chocolate and some flowers? Unbelievable!

But it gets worse:

He said he expressed eagerness to work with the president on immigration reform and the line-item veto, but has been left out in the cold.

McCain, the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, also said Obama failed to consult with him on national-security issues.

'He never asked for advice on national-security nominees,' McCain said.

Holy bejeezus, the nerve of That One, right? Bucking the long-established precedent of inviting the opponent whose ass you just kicked in the election into your inner circle to tell you how to presidentialize the right way? Who can forget how chummy George W. Bush and Al Gore were after the 2000 election, and how Dubya was always having Al swing by the West Wing to share his expertise on issues like the environment or how to have the White House stolen from you by a half-wit, his criminal brother, and a blatantly partisan Supreme Court?  

But not Obama. Oh no. He's that mean. And more:

McCain pointed out that Obama invited him to the White House in 2009 to discuss immigration reform.

'I said, 'I'd love to join you,' and never heard from him,' McCain said. [...]

Aw, man, That One knows no bounds. Yes, he may have invited McCain to the White House, but he didn't send an engraved invitation and some sexy lingerie and a handwritten note that said, "Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, come tell me how to reform immigration, pretty please, because I am lost without you!"
Obama extended the invite after McCain praised the president's response to the Giffords shooting in a glowing Washington Post op-ed.

'We discussed two issues, immigration reform and the line-item veto, which I'm still a supporter of,' McCain recalled. 'He said, 'We'll be getting back to you.' I never heard from him, never heard from him again.'

Such a heartbreaker, dishing out the pillow talk and then not bothering to call in the morning. What a tease! No wonder John McCain is totally not all bitter:
McCain disputes the notion that he has rejected entreaties to cooperate with the White House because he is bitter from his defeat four years ago.

He said he expressed eagerness to work with the president on immigration reform and the line-item veto, but has been left out in the cold.

Out in the cold. Shivering. Desperate for nothing more than a kind word from the heartless Barack Obama. But alas:
A White House spokeswoman declined to comment.
Probably because she was too busy laughing.

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