Thursday, October 25, 2012

Orange to Blue roundup, 10/24/2012

Here's your daily Orange to Blue race news.

Speaker Pelosi project bug Speaker Pelosi Project:

CA-10: This is unusually whiny, even for a Republican. Rep. Jeff Denham says he'll sue the DCCC for running an ad against him that charges he "voted to keep his salary if the government shut down, but against a bill that would guarantee soldier pay." He says the ad is a lie. Except that there's the problem of his actual votes. They were both on motions to recommit, and he did cast both of the votes. I thought these guys were all about tort reform and ending frivolous law suits. Help boot this whiner, and elect a hero, astronaut Jose Hernandez.

FL-18: Patrick Murphy's campaign released internal polling from FrederickPolls showing his race against Allen West is all tied up at 47. Murphy has a 10 point advantage with independents. This one is going to be very tight. Help push Patrick Murphy over the top with your $3 donation.

FL-26: Rep. David Rivera's ethics woes just don't stop. I guess that's what he gets for being a crook. This time, it's the state that's hitting him. The Florida Commission on Ethics is charging him with 11 counts of allegedly violating state rules during his tenure in the Florida Legislature. Each count can be assessed a penalty of up to $10,000, and since it's from when he was in the state legislature, it won't matter if he's in or out of Congress. So he's facing this potentially very expensive state action, and an FBI investigation into the fake campaign he "master-minded" in the Democratic primary that could land him in prison. Losing this election is actually the least of his worries. Let's keep Rivera worried. Donate $3 to Joe Garcia.

NY-18: Tea party Rep. Nan Hayworth is going all conspiracy theory nutso in her latest fundraising appeal against challenger Sean Patrick Maloney.

In a letter to supporters on Wednesday, the Hayworth campaign asked for contributions from $25 to $100 to counter Maloney's ads, saying "George Soros and his son are flooding mailboxes with ugly pieces that accuse Nan'a doctor!'of trying to destroy Medicare. [...] The Democratic Establishment is driving busloads of paid workers from New York City to knock on Hudson Valley doors," the letter said. "And the nasty mail from the Soros Empire with its enormous resources, will inevitably take a toll."
Yes, she did vote to end Medicare. As for Soros ... yeesh. Maloney is closing in on her and she's going to tea party extremist. Surprise. Keep her panicked. Give $3 to Sean Patrick Maloney.

OH-16: This is very odd. GOP Rep. Jim Renacci, running against Dem Rep. Betty Sutton in a district that was redrawn to pit the two against each other, has pulled his advertising money out of broadcast television, focusing his ads on on cable. The campaign says that it's because "voters hate the ads and are tuning it out right now," and that they had to "adapt to the environment and be strategic about how and when we are talking to voters." Renacci doesn't appear to have money problems, but at any rate, Sutton's spokesperson Steve Fought seems to get this right: 'Renacci took his team off the field with two minutes left on the clock.' Strike while the iron's hot. Give $3 to Betty Sutton now.

Upgrade the Senate bug Upgrade the Senate:

CT-Sen: Are you in or around Connecticut? If so, you can rally for Chris Murphy with the Big Dog himself, President Bill Clinton. And while you're waiting for Sunday to come, go read David Nir's write-up of Linda McMahon attempting to "unskew" today's Quinnipiac poll that has her down six points. It's worth it. Click here to help Chris Murphy bring this one home.

OH-Sen: This isn't really news, but it's Charlie Pierce talking to Sherrod Brown, and that makes it worth reading.

Brown [...] has been aided by his own unapologetic defense of his own record. That has made him able to link the power of corporate money in our elections to the power of corporate money in our government to the power of corporate money to cover up the crimes and malfeasance that almost blew up the world.
"I think our side did not do a very good job explaining what happened," Brown told me. "I don't think our messaging was anywhere near as sharp as it should have been as to what actually happened."

Let's keep Sherrod Brown in the Senate.

MA-Sen: So how exactly does this work? "U.S. Sen. Scott Brown hit the campaign trail with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday, casting himself as a bipartisan pragmatist." Because Chris Christie is such a moderate. Yeesh. Please contribute to Elizabeth Warren's campaign here.

Fight for Marriage bug Daily Kos for Marriage Equality:

Washington: The polling is tightening on this one. Elway, a Washington state pollster, finds "[s]upport for Referendum 74 is under 50 percent, and the measure to legalize same-sex marriage enjoys only a narrow four-point lead." Polling on this issue is notoriously difficult, and another state-wide poll just last week, the Washington Poll, found equality ahead by 54-38 among likely voters. Nothing to do on this one but wait, and contribute.

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