Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Romney losing ground with Latinos, too

U.S. President Barack Obama takes part in a town hall hosted by Univision at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida September 20, 2012. The sign above Obama reads An 80-20 victory among Latinos is in sight. I know, I know, Ann Romney barked at us to vote for her husband if we knew what was best for us, but my Latino hermanos y hermanas just aren't getting the message!
Latino Decisions finds that 42 percent of respondents are more enthusiastic about voting in 2012 than they were in 2008, with 21 percent saying they are equally enthusiastic. Meanwhile, CNN finds that 73 percent of Latinos are somewhat, very, or extremely excited about voting in November. That compares to 82 percent for all voters, suggesting that Latinos may once again underperform at the polls.

President Barack Obama won Latinos 67-31 in 2008, and it's clear that he'll significantly overperform those numbers. In fact, I once worked out what the 2008 elections might've looked like with an 80-20 Latino split (spoiler: bigger Obama victories plus a really tight Arizona). Given the current trendlines, that 60-point margin is now a very real possibility.

In case you're wondering, the Romney campaign set a target of 38 percent among Latinos. Which is hilarious.

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