Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BREAKING: Democrats expected to be proud of not pissing off lady voters

An all male panel of clergy testifies before Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee on birth control access. 2/16/2012 How dare Democrats remind voters what happens when Republicans are in charge of making laws
about ladies' health care. Apparently, this is news:
Democrats think they've figured out how to win the abortion debate: Don't make it about abortion.

Starting Tuesday, the Democratic convention here will feature speeches from Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards, NARAL President Nancy Keenan and Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, who became a flashpoint in the debate over requiring Catholic institutions to pay for birth control.

But don't expect them to focus on abortion ' or even necessarily use the word. Instead, they'll defend President Barack Obama's record on reproductive health and reproductive rights. And, as they have before, they'll accuse GOP nominee Mitt Romney and his party of waging a 'war on women.'

The issue of women's reproductive rights has never been exclusively about abortion. You know, unless you're a a lazy but Very Serious Journalist who thinks it's a lot easier to talk about "abortion" than to bother learning that the issue of reproductive rights, and of women's rights in general, extends far beyond a single medical procedure. And always has.

True, the Democratic Party has not historically been very good at understanding or explaining that either, but thanks to the Republicans blatantly and shamelessly waging an all-out war on women, it's been made quite clear that actually, the "abortion" issue is also about birth control. And cancer screenings. And assistance for mothers and their children. And redefining rape. And smearing the nation's biggest provider of health care to women based on "statements" that are not intended to be factually true.

So it's a feature, not a bug'even if it might not fit the agenda of lazy Very Serious Journalists'that tonight, the Democrats will pay particular attention to the myriad ways the party has fought off the non-stop assault on women's rights. And no, not just abortion rights, but all rights. It's so much easier to just say "abortion" and point to useless polls that reveal'shockingly!'that voters may have mixed and emotional reactions to that word, even though their overwhelming opposition to the Republican Party's agenda could not be clearer. Which is why, of course, the Democrats are winning the lady voters, who are apparently a lot smarter than Very Serious Journalists.

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