Thursday, October 25, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Polling Wrap: Muddled messages about the post-debate electoral state of play

Today's data, on the surface, seems to have some very clear conclusions that can be drawn. However, with a little digging, it is a day of "buts".

Example #1: PPP's daily tracking poll moved two points in the direction of President Obama.

BUT Tom Jensen of PPP made clear that Tuesday's sample was deadlocked, and the movement was solely attributed to a good Romney night on Saturday falling off of the tracker.

Example #2: Rasmussen claims that, post-debate, the race in Ohio has moved from a slight Obama lead to a (gasp!) tie.

BUT a quick dive into the crosstabs shows Obama leading with Ohio Independent voters, and garnering more support from Democrats than Romney is from Republicans.

The net result? We don't know a hell of a lot more on Wednesday than we did on Tuesday, despite a pretty sizable polling load of 59 separate polls.

On balance, the coin flip narrative seems to be persisting, though there were some small signs that should give Democrats a slight tinge of optimism.

More on that after the jump. For now, though, on to the numbers:


NATIONAL (ABC/WaPo Tracking): Romney 49, Obama 48

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 50, Obama 47 (LV); Obama 48, Romney 47 (RV)

NATIONAL (IBD/TIPP Tracking): Obama 47, Romney 44

NATIONAL (Ipsos/Reuters Tracking): Romney 47, Obama 46 (LV); Obama 46, Romney 42 (RV)

NATIONAL (Pharos Research): Obama 50, Romney 47

NATIONAL (PPP Tracking): Obama 48, Romney 48

NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney 50, Obama 46

NATIONAL (UPI/CVoter): Obama 49, Romney 47

ARKANSAS (Univ. of Arkansas): Romney 53, Obama 34

CONNECTICUT (Mason-Dixon): Obama 49, Romney 42

CONNECTICUT (Quinnipiac): Obama 55, Romney 41

FLORIDA (Pharos Research): Obama 47, Romney 47

INDIANA (Pharos Research): Romney 51, Obama 38

MASSACHUSETTS (WBUR/MassINC): Obama 56, Romney 36

MONTANA (Pharos Research): Romney 47, Obama 41

NEBRASKA (Pharos Research): Romney 51, Obama 41

NEVADA (PPP): Obama 51, Romney 47

NEVADA (Rasmussen): Obama 50, Romney 48

NEW HAMPSHIRE (Lake Research For USAction--D): Obama 48, Romney 45

NEW HAMPSHIRE (Rasmussen): Romney 50, Obama 48

NEW YORK (NY1/Marist): Obama 61, Romney 35

NORTH DAKOTA (Pharos Research): Romney 49, Obama 39

OHIO (Lake Research--D): Obama 46, Romney 44

OHIO (Pharos Research): Obama 50, Romney 45

OHIO (Rasmussen): Obama 48, Romney 48

OHIO (SRBI for Time Magazine): Obama 49, Romney 44

OHIO (SurveyUSA): Obama 47, Romney 44

PENNSYLVANIA (Pharos Research): Obama 49, Romney 46

VIRGINIA (Old Dominion University): Obama 50, Romney 43

WISCONSIN (Mason Dixon): Obama 48, Romney 46

CA-SEN (USC/Los Angeles Times): Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) 53, Elizabeth Emken (R) 38

CT-SEN (Mason-Dixon): Linda McMahon (R) 44, Chris Murphy (D) 44

CT-SEN (Quinnipiac): Chris Murphy (D) 49, Linda McMahon (R) 43

FL-SEN (Pharos Research): Sen. Bill Nelson (D) 52, Connie Mack IV (R) 44

IN-SEN (Pharos Research): Richard Mourdock (R) 46, Joe Donnelly (D) 46

MA-SEN (WBUR/MassINC): Elizabeth Warren (D) 50, Sen. Scott Brown (R) 44

MT-SEN (Pharos Research): Sen. Jon Tester (D) 48, Denny Rehberg (R) 46

NE-SEN (Pharos Research): Deb Fischer (R) 48, Bob Kerrey (D) 45 46

NV-SEN (PPP): Shelley Berkley (D) 44, Sen. Dean Heller (R) 44, David VanderBeek (IAP) 7

NY-SEN (NY1/Marist): Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D) 68, Wendy Long (R) 24

ND-SEN (Pharos Research): Heidi Heitkamp (D) 49, Rick Berg (R) 48

OH-SEN (Pharos Research): Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) 52, Josh Mandel (R) 41

OH-SEN (Rasmussen): Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) 48, Josh Mandel (R) 44

OH-SEN (SurveyUSA): Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) 43, Josh Mandel (R) 42

PA-SEN (Pharos Research): Sen. Bob Casey (D) 42 52, Tom Smith (R) 42

PA-SEN (Wenzel Strategies for Citizens United): Sen. Bob Casey (D) 45, Tom Smith (R) 44

VA-SEN (Old Dominion University): Tim Kaine (D) 50, George Allen (R) 43

WI-SEN (Mason Dixon): Tammy Baldwin (D) 47, Tommy Thompson (R) 45

MT-GOV (Pharos Research): Steve Bullock (D) 47, Rick Hill (R) 45

ND-GOV (Pharos Research): Gov. Jack Dalrymple (R) 63, Ryan Taylor (D) 32

ND-GOV (Rasmussen): Gov. Jack Dalrymple (R) 53, Ryan Taylor (D) 39

WA-GOV (Elway Research): Rob McKenna (R) 47, Jay Inslee (D) 45

CT-05 (National Research for the Roraback campaign): Andrew Roraback (R) 45, Elizabeth Esty (D) 39

FL-18 (Frederick Polls for the Murphy campaign): Patrick Murphy (D) 47, Rep. Allen West (R) 47

MT-AL (Pharos Research): Steve Daines (R) 47, Kim Gillan (D) 41

NH-01 (Univ. of New Hampshire): Rep. Frank Guinta (R) 41, Carol Shea-Porter (D) 38, Brendan Kelly (L) 4

NH-02 (Univ. of New Hampshire): Anne McLane Kuster (D) 39, Rep. Charlie Bass (R) 36, Hardy Macia (L) 3

ND-AL (Essman/Research): Kevin Cramer (R) 52, Pam Gulleson (D) 32

ND-AL (Pharos Research): Kevin Cramer (R) 54, Pam Gulleson (D) 42

A few thoughts, as always, await you just past the jump ...

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