Friday, August 3, 2012

Scott Brown has a hard time keeping up with Romney line on economy

Sen. Scott Brown and Mitt Romney hug "Stay with me, Scottie." Mini-Mitt Scott Brown is a few steps behind his mentor today. He has an op-ed in Politico attacking Elizabeth Warren over the manufactured "you didn't build that" trope.
Warren is particularly worked up over this theme. She's given to rebuking any business owner who dares to believe that he or she made it on their own. Who succeeds on their own? 'Nobody,' Warren says, in an angry tone. After all, she says, every business owner benefits from government investment in the schools, roads and police and fire protection that 'the rest of us paid for.'
Um, Scottie? In case you missed it, that's not the line you're supposed to be using. Romney, today:
There are a lot of people in government who help us and allow us to have an economy that works and allow entrepreneur and business leaders of various kinds to start businesses and create jobs. We all recognize that. That's an important thing.
Unless, of course, Scott Brown means to contradict Romney. But Romney changes positions so fast and so frequently, it's not hard to understand why Brown can't keep up. Particularly since keeping up in general is one of Brown's bigger challenges in life.

Boot Brown. Donate $3 to Elizabeth Warren's campaign.

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