Friday, August 3, 2012

Romneybots shouldn't be shocked at the stupidity of Mitt's Bain response ad

Romney's strange new Bain response As Laura Clawson wrote earlier, Mitt Romney has a strange new ad attacking President Obama for pushing through the bailout that rescued the auto industry'even though it wasn't too long ago that Romney was claiming credit for having saved it.

Romney's new ad seeks to turn the Bain bankruptcy attacks against Romney around on Obama by accusing Obama of having shut down GM dealerships before the company was ultimately turned around. Of course, the reason Obama intervened was to prevent even more dealerships from going under. It's completely different than Bain, which put people out of work to increase profits. It's such a dumb ad that even Jennifer Rubin, the mother of all Romneybots, is horrified.

In short, I don't get the point of the ad. It seems to be written for the Obama campaign team and not the voters. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Reagan's 'Morning in America,' this is a 2. Maybe a 1.
Fair enough, but Rubin shouldn't be surprised, because Romney has said all along this would be part of his Bain pushback. Here he is in January, talking about how he'd push back on Bain attacks:
"In the general election, I'll be pointing out that the president took the reins of General Motors and Chrysler, closed factories, closed dealerships, laid off thousands and thousands of workers. He did it to try to save the business," Romney said on CBS's "This Morning."
As Rubin points out, that's actually basically a pro-Obama message, because unlike Bain, Obama actually was trying to save the business and protect jobs. Moreover his plan worked'that's why Romney ultimately tried to claim credit for it. But even though Romney's message supports Obama's position, in May his campaign told Byron York that their plan was still to raise the bailouts as a key part of their Bain response. Ten long weeks have passed since they promised that response, and now they are delivering on it. It might make them look ridiculous, but Romneybots like Rubin shouldn't be dismayed. It's what Romneyland has promised all along.

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