Saturday, August 11, 2012

Overheard at Priorities USA HQ

So the ad that's stirred so much furor has never run on TV, except on news broadcasts commenting on the furor. Epitome of earned media.
' @NKingofDC via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Staffer #1: I'll bet you that if we make a YouTube video about how one of Romney's Bain layoff victims lost his health insurance and his wife eventually died of cancer, we can bait Mitt Romney into making an over-the-top response.

Staffer #2: No way he'd be that dumb. Why would he want to talk about all those people he fired and booted off of their health insurance? Especially when he made millions doing it?

Staffer #1: You'd be surprised at how dumb he can be. In fact, I'll bet you his campaign tries to use Romneycare as a defense. You know, saying something like that if the layoff victim had lived in Boston, his family would have had health insurance.

Staffer #2: But that'd be crazy. Conservatives would go nuts and everybody else would wonder why he opposes Obamacare for the nation if he thinks Romneycare was so great for Massachusetts.

Staffer #1: I'm telling you, this guy has no clue about how to handle himself in a presidential campaign. I'll even bet you his campaign will claim that he's been accused of murder.

Staffer #2: But we'd be insane to accuse him of that.

Staffer #1: Of course we would. And we won't accuse him of that. But he can't control himself, and when he claims that we did, people will want to know what the real story is. And the real story doesn't look good for him at all.

Staffer #2: Okay, I think you're nuts. But I'll bet you on it. How much?

Staffer #1: $10?

Staffer #2: It's a deal. And the ad can never go on TV. Just YouTube.

Staffer #1: Agreed. How about make it 2:1, but Romney has to spend the whole week talking about it?

Staffer #2: Haha, you're insane. He'll never do it. But you're on.

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