Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mitt Romney (again!) challenges Harry Reid to name names

Chart showing Mitt Romney has only released one tax return in last two decades. Mitt manages to extend the Reid versus Romney storyline for yet another day Mitt Romney takes a break from insulting Israel to once again challenge Harry Reid to name his source:
Romney, in an interview with Fox News, said he doesn't believe Reid has a credible source but urged the Senate Democratic leader to reveal who it is.

"I don't really believe that he's got any kind of a credible source," Romney said. "I don't know who gave him this line of reasoning, whether it came from the White House or the DNC or a staffer, but he ought to say where it came from, and then we can find out whether that person has any credibility. I know they don't."

He said Reid also has "lost a lot of credibility."

Okay, forget for a moment that it's Romney, not Reid, who is hiding something; just ponder for a moment the epic disaster that is Romney's handling of this. I mean, he actually said these words:
I don't really believe that he's got any kind of a credible source.
And then:
He ought to say where it came from, and then we can find out whether that person has any credibility.
If Romney wants this to go away, he's failing miserably. He's goading Reid'and giving Reid a chance to respond. It's the most moronic, bungling response you could possibly imagine. The only thing that would be dumber is if Romney knows what he's doing, and wants to keep this story alive because he thinks it makes him look good. Actually, I wouldn't rule that out as a serious possibility. I mean, this is the same guy who spent a week insulting people in three different nations and declared his journey a great success.

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