Sunday, March 3, 2013

Announcing United Physicians of Newtown (yes, THAT Newtown)

On 12/14, a horrendous mass murder took place at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown. On that day, many of the local doctors were involved in the response at many levels.

Some of the doctors were involved because they had kids at Sandy Hook school that day. Some, like my friend and colleague Dr. William Begg (above video), were in the Emergency Department receiving victims or, like myself, were involved in helping with the emergency response. Many of us had patients and patient families directly affected. All of us know affected families, who are our friends and neighbors.

As part of the response, the doctors who live and work in Newtown have organized into a group, the United Physicians of Newtown, whose goal is to decrease the violence that has taken our children.

I am a member of the group but not its spokesperson. But I can say that all the members feel a special responsibility because of where we work and live to do what we can to decrease violent acts like that which occurred on 12/14.

UPoN has issued a position statement that involves four key areas:

' Research

' Mental Health

' Culture of Violence

' Firearms

More specifics can be found just below the fold.

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