Saturday, August 4, 2012

Michele Bachmann hopes to team up with ... wait, with Keith Ellison?

Michele Bachmann Huh. This is a bit odd:
Less than two weeks after she questioned her fellow Minnesota U.S. Representative's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Rep. Michele Bachmann announced Monday in St. Michael, MN that she's hoping to team up with Rep. Keith Ellison on Medicaid reform. [...]

"Minnesota is the poster child for Medicaid fraud. If we're going to have a system, we need a system that works for the poor. Right now, it's not working. I've been in communication with Rep. Ellison and hope to work with him on this issue," she said.

It's odd because, yes, less than two weeks ago Bachmann was claiming to Glenn Beck that Rep. Keith Ellison was "associated" with the Muslim Brotherhood and therefore a threat to national security. Now she's trying to partner up with him on Medicaid?

The possibilities here are numerous. Perhaps she didn't really think Keith Ellison was an associate of the Muslim Brotherhood when she said it, but was just doing that Michele Bachmann performance art she's so fond of doing? Perhaps she did think it back then, but has a short attention span? Or perhaps she, like Grover Norquist, is in on the conspiracy, and is planning to take America down from the inside by screwing up any possibility of Americans ever getting decent health care.

Also unclear is if Ellison is actually aware that Michele Bachmann is invoking his name to help support whatever crazy anti-"Medicaid fraud" scheme Michele Bachmann is dreaming up. While I do not doubt Bachmann knows a fair bit about fraud, she has not proven to be quite as knowledgeable on the subject of the American health care system.

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