Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Another failed attempt to make Mitt likeable

Mitt Romney may be the most painfully awkward, incapable-of-not-being-a-dick person on the planet. And every time, every single time, he tries to do something "normal" to show how "normal" he is, it is so cringe-worthy you almost have to feel sorry for him. He's even a dick, according to his own son Tagg, when his family gathers for supposedly normal family time:

CHRIS WALLACE: So, Tagg, what are family meals like?

TAGG ROMNEY: A little bit of craziness. Dad always goes in line first because he doesn't want to wait for all the grand children because it takes forever. Parents are cutting their meat and he's usually finished by the time the rest of us sit down.

This is what passes for family time in the Romney home? Mitt has to cut in front of everyone because golly, he sure doesn't want to have to wait for anyone else, especially not those annoying little grandchildren, and he sits down and eats and is all done by the time the rest of the family joins him, and that's a "family meal"?

And all of this'Chris Wallace joining the whole Romney clan at one of their many vacation homes'is yet another attempt to show us how just-a-regular-guy-who-loves-his-family Mitt is and that, contrary to popular belief, he is capable of actual human emotions. Not unlike the recent interview with Parade magazine in which Ann and Mitt tried really hard to prove Mitt is not a robot, but instead, we learned that he cries when he donates money to charity.

Wow. What a guy. What a dad. What a grandpa. What a dick.

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