Friday, July 13, 2012

Your Friday the 13th Daily Kos Multimedia Morning - July 13, 2012

Daily KosRadio Logo This is your daily reminder that Daily Kos Radio is on the air, Monday through Friday, now from 9 a.m. to noon, ET. Just click here or on the player below to listen in. And hey, why not play program director, and send me a tweet during the show with whatever bit of news is on your mind? Reach me at @KagroX, and try playing the, "I type it in here, and it comes out there" game!

What's going on in Congress today?

Nothing! Everybody went home for the weekend! The House finished up that crazy mining bill, and the Senate failed to invoke cloture on the small business jobs bill, and instead set up a cloture vote on the DISCLOSE Act for Monday, and broke camp.

On the Radio

DemFromCT joins us in his regular slot, and we'll also welcome newly-minted Featured Writer Jon Perr (aka Avenging Angel) in the second hour, to talk Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, since I didn't do enough of that yesterday. Come on by from 9-11 a.m. ET, and make plans to stick around for our NEW third hour, from 11-12 ET, to hear Armando and Jesse LaGreca go to town!

The Daily Kos Radio Player

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Godwin's Law violated before 10 a.m.:

When will we hear the Traditional Media treating liars like this?

The Romney Campaign's Anonymous Truthful Liar:

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