Thursday, July 12, 2012

Your Daily Kos Multimedia Morning - July 12, 2012

Daily KosRadio Logo This is your daily reminder that Daily Kos Radio is on the air, Monday through Friday, now from 9 a.m. to noon, ET. Just click here or on the player below to listen in. And hey, why not send me a tweet during the show, to @KagroX?

What's going on in Congress today?

In the House

The House has a short day on tap, completing "work" on seven amendments to, and final passage of, the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act. And then they're outta here!

In the Senate

The Senate might actually do something tomorrow, or it might not. No one knows! Yesterday, they agreed to yield back post-cloture time and adopt the motion to proceed to the Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act, but they still appear to be having some problems regarding amendments. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has filed for cloture on the bill (actually on a substitute amendment to the bill), but unless there's some agreement to move it up, that vote won't come until Friday. Reid tried, offering up a unanimous consent request that would vitiate the cloture motion and give Republicans a vote on the language of H.R. 9, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) version of a small biz tax cut, and then that the Senate take up a free standing bill, the text of which would embody the President's proposal on the Bush tax cut extensions, plus an amendment with substitute tax cut extension language offered by Senator Hatch (R-UT). Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) objected to the request.

So today, they'll try again. Maybe they'll agree, maybe they won't. If not, cloture votes on Friday.

On the Radio

DemFromCT joins us in his regular slot, and then it's a two-hour sprint from 9-11 a.m. ET through the day's news, Twitter chatter, Wall Street criminality and Congressional craziness, before handing off for our third hour, from 11-12 ET, to Armando and Jesse LaGreca. Tune in and hear us go!

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