Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Chronicles of Mitt: July 24, 2012

pen on paper: 'Dear diary'   Hello, human diary. It is I, Mitt Romney, your better.

As a last bit of preparation for my trip overseas, today I gave a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Since they have the word "foreign" prominently in their name, the campaign thought it would be a good transitory step towards speaking with actual foreigners. It also made for a good opportunity to speak of my own foreign policy; sadly, as we are still working towards formulating one, we were not able to take advantage of the occasion. Instead we padded things out with some condemnations of government leaks, which are bad things.

I was able, however, to at least clarify my previous position on Afghanistan, which for some reason individual citizens continue to press me on (the press units, at least, have mostly moved on). I announced that if I were president, I would seek to leave Afghanistan in 2014, as the current president previously announced, but I announced that I would not announce that position because announcing it would be wrong. I believe I was able to satisfactorily clarify the sharp difference between my and my opponent's position on this matter.

Now I am off to various foreign locales. We have scheduled them according to their degree of foreignness (London, then Israel, then Poland), which will give the foreign policy team yet more time to draft a foreign policy. By the time we arrive in Poland, I can only hope they have finally decided whether or not I approve of that nation. It would be irritating to have to un-visit the country retroactively.

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