Monday, July 9, 2012

Republicans to attack Obama for saving millions of jobs

Work zone American Recovery and Reinvestment Act sign at new road construction project site President Obama's stimulus saved millions of jobs. But it wasn't big enough to counter all the economic destruction that Bush policies and Wall Street speculating had wrought, so Republicans like to pretend it was a big ol' waste of money:
The Republican National Committee will unveil a new website and host events meant to 'turn the tables'' on Mr. Obama ' in particular his effort to paint Republican challenger Mitt Romney as a callous business executive who profited from moving jobs overseas, according to a person familiar with the GOP initiative.

'The point is that before you start attacking someone, you might look at your own record,'' he said.

With the vast majority of economists agreed that the Recovery Act did save huge numbers of jobs and boost the economy, Obama can be reasonably comfortable looking at his own record. The only reason he may have cause to look at the stimulus and wince a little is because it wasn't bigger or bolder'but the fact is that Republicans were standing in the way of bigger and bolder, anyway.

But Republicans wouldn't be Republicans if all they did was lie about the success of Democratic policies. No, they also like to simultaneous with their lies take credit for the popular parts: More than 100 Republican lawmakers did just that, taking credit for local jobs creation and infrastructure investments funded by the Recovery Act.

Claim a law failed, while taking credit for its successes. Rinse and repeat. That's the Republican way.

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