Thursday, July 12, 2012

Harry Reid on Romney: 'He couldn't be confirmed as a dog-catcher'

Dog holds image of Romney with a Slash through it. Sign reads: "Dogs Against Romney." Reid unloads:
I really want to, as you say in the House, revise and extend my remarks I said yesterday. He not only couldn't be confirmed as a cabinet secretary, he couldn't be confirmed as a dog catcher, because a dog catcher ' you're at least going to want to look at his income tax returns. And the long report that we have in the Boston Globe today indicates that, as one of his own employees said, it doesn't make sense. He said he left Bain to go to the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and stopped any association with Bain. But his SEC filings indicated that he was Chief Executive Officer, sole stockholder, and ran the corporation for at least 3 more years. And that's why people who say there's been advertisements where businesses were closed, people laid off ' and he says oh I wasn't there, I left in 1999. As his own operative said, it doesn't make sense. And it doesn't.
With all due respect, sir, Seamus disagrees. But he hopes you're right.

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