Friday, July 13, 2012

Bain Capital press release described Romney as 'part-time' in July, 1999

Mitt Rommey (Tim Shaffer/Reuters) A July 19, 1999 press release distributed on behalf of Regan Communications and Bain Capital described Mitt Romney as the "Bain Capital CEO" and said he was "on a part-time leave of absence to head the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee."

The press release, which announced the creation of a new private equity firm by two of Bain's managing directors, included a quote from Romney giving his blessing to the new venture. "While we will miss them," Romney said, "we wish them well and look forward to working with them as they build their firm."

The press release, which was obtained through a simple Nexis search, is posted in full below the fold. It appears to contradict claims by both Romney and Bain that he had no involvement in the company's day-to-day operations after February 11, 1999.

In his most recent financial disclosure form, Romney said he had retired from the firm in February of 1999. "Since February 11, 1999," the document states, "Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way."

According to this press release, however, Romney was the firm's part-time CEO at least through July of 1999, contradicting the Romney campaign's claim that SEC filings listing him as the firm's CEO and sole owner were simply a "quirk in the law."

1:13 PM PT: Worth noting: As Hunter Walker writes at Politicker, Marc Walpow worked at Bain in 1994 during Romney's senate campaign. His characterization of Romney's role while on leave?

'I reported directly to Mitt Romney . . . You can't be CEO of Bain Capital and say, `I really don't know what my guys were doing,'' Mr. Wolpow said of Mr. Romney role at the company during his leave.

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