Monday, June 4, 2012

Time to get out the vote in Wisconsin and recall Scott Walker

This is it. Tuesday, Scott Walker is either recalled, or he remains as governor of Wisconsin to divide and conquer for years to come. He's taken collective bargaining rights from public workers, equal pay protections from women, and led Wisconsin to last place in the nation in job creation. He's had to create a criminal defense fund for himself as one of his appointees, a donor, and three aides face criminal charges in a major corruption investigation. He's given tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy while raising taxes on low-income families. He's waged a war on voters.

If divide and conquer isn't going to be Wisconsin's future, voters need to step up tomorrow and vote for Tom Barrett. If the polls are right, this is going to be a close race, and the enthusiasm gap favors Republicans. We need to close that gap.

Republican billionaires around the country have directed a flood of money directly to Walker's campaign and to independent expenditures supporting him. As Bill Clinton told Wisconsin voters, this is a test run for them:

I can just hear it now, on Wednesday. All those people that poured all this money into Wisconsin, if you don't show up and vote, will say, 'see, we got them now. We're finally going to break every union in America. We're gonna break every government in America. We're gonna stop worrying about the middle class. We don't give a riff whether poor people get to work their way into it. We got our way now. We got it all. Divide and conquer works.'

You tell them no. You tell them, Wisconsin has never been about that, never will be about that ' by electing Tom Barrett governor!

If you're in Wisconsin, the most important thing is to vote. If you can do more, We Are Wisconsin has field offices around the state running canvasses nonstop.

If you're not in Wisconsin, you can still help turn out voters to defeat Scott Walker is by using the Friends and Neighbors tool created by our partners at the AFL-CIO and Workers' Voice. Friends and Neighbors puts you in touch with Wisconsin voters you have already connected with online.

Please, click here to help turn out voters to defeat Scott Walker by signing up for Friends and Neighbors. You can sign up either by using your Facebook log-in or by filling out a short form.

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