Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Scott Brown discovers that'gasp!'liberals like Elizabeth Warren

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Advisor Elizabeth Warren listens to a question at the Reuters Future Face of Finance Summit in Washington March 1, 2011. Run for the hills! Liberals like her. (Reuters) This Scott Brown fundraising email is not a parody:
Scott Brown logo Friends,

There are two very different visions in this race for U.S. Senate.

There's my vision of economic growth and prosperity fueled by low taxes, less spending, lower debt, and American ingenuity...

...and then there's Professor Elizabeth Warren's vision of big government where success is punished and the wet blanket of high taxation and overregulation smothers everything that has made America the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Although I know you share my positive vision for the future, Professor Warren's supporters are putting their money where their mouth is, and they have made her victory - and my defeat - their top priority.

Just take it from Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas who said recently that:

     "Elizabeth Warren is probably the Number One project of the progressive movement this November."

Or the New York Times whose headline recently called Warren:

     "The Left's New Star"

Or Progressive activist Van Jones who says that if Warren beats me:

     "...she's going to be in the White House someday."

In ten days, on June 30th, Warren and I will file our FEC Campaign Disclosure Reports.  Hers will be chock-full of Hollywood money and checks from all over the country from those who subscribe to her Occupy Everything philosophy.

Will you give me your online help, a contribution for $20 or perhaps $50, so we can show the strongest financial report possible?

Goal ThermometerSheesh, what kind of moron runs an anti-university, anti-Harvard campaign in Massachusetts? And liberals like her? That should go over poorly in, er, one of the most liberal states in the country. This isn't Alabama we're talking about.

While Brown's campaign may be geography-challenged, they did get a few things right on that email:

It's true! I did say Warren is our top priority this year!

And the New York Times was right! Warren is a new star!

And Van Jones is absolutely correct! I wouldn't be surprised to see Warren in the White House some day.

Those are all reasons that we have been fighting so hard for her and will continue to do so. Because this is Teddy Kennedy's seat, and it belongs to the people of Massachusetts, not Wall Street and their teabagger dupes.

So now a bunch of recipients of that email are being scared into giving $20 or $50. (Not sure why they're bothering when they've got billionaires who can write the whole check, but whatever ...) Daily Kos! Van Jones! The New York Times! Hollywood! Occupy! Hey, at least he's gotten off his usual schtick about how he wants to be senator because aren't those Red Sox awesome?

How about we respond with a bunch of us sending in $3 or $4 to Elizabeth Warren? It's always nice to remind the other side what a people-powered armada looks like.

p.s. Do it!

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