After Dimon interrupted him three times, however, Merkley took a well-deserved poke:
This is not your hearing. I'm asking you to respond to questions and I also only have five minutes. So, let's agree to disagree. But I think that many analysts have reached the conclusion that if you had applied that Old Testament justice in 2008-2009, JPMorgan would have gone down and you would have been out of a job. And it goes to the enormous frustration on how many companies in the history of the planet have been offered a half a trillion dollars in low interest loans? Not many.Several Republicans on the committee, as cited by Pat Garofalo and Travis Waldron, might as well have been submitting their résumés:
SEN. BOB CORKER (R-TN): We're here quizzing you. If you were sitting on this side of the dais, what would you do to make our system safer than it is and still meet the needs of a global economy like we have?Most of the Democrats were meek, to say the least, demonstrating one more time why only mild regulatory reform emerged from the economic crisis that has put the screws to millions of Americans'old ones who want to retire but have to keep working, young ones who want to work but can only find jobs, if at all, well beneath their education levels (a setback that will pinion them the rest of their lives) and people in their prime earning years as well.
(American Banker)
SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID): Many people say our primary focus from our perspective in terms of policy should be to make sure the banks are properly capitalized. Should that be our primary focus and what other areas of oversight would be the most effective for us in terms of our regulatory structure?SEN. JIM DEMINT (R-SC): I would like to come away from the hearing today with some ideas on what you think we need to do, what we maybe need to take apart that we've already done, to allow the industry to operate better.
SEN. ROGER WICKER (R-MS): And you said something else that really sort caught me by surprise, and that was this testimony that nobody got all the parties in a room with people in your industry ' Democrats, Republicans, and folks affected ' and talked about what was needed and what really needed to be fixed. Did I hear you correctly there? Did you volunteer to be part of that conversation?
Next time, perhaps they can bring out the massage table and give him a good rubdown to go along with their kowtow.
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