Friday, June 1, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Polling Wrap: Coin flips all around, according to new battleground polls

Finally, a consistent theme from a day's worth of polling. From Nevada to Iowa, and from the national tracking polls to the generic old national polls, the theme was the same: For now, this thing looks damned tight.

Not only is this true at the top of the ballot, but also downballot, as well, where a GOP incumbent barely leads his Democratic rival, and where a new set of House polls (check beneath the fold for the details) hint that any sense that the GOP is a lock to keep their House majority might be in error.

It's not going to take much of a tailwind to make this election cycle very, very good (or, alternately, very, very bad).

On to the numbers:


NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Obama d. Romney (47-44)

NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney d. Obama (46-45)

COLORADO (NBC News/Marist): Obama d. Romney (46-45)

IOWA (NBC News/Marist): Obama tied with Romney (44-44)

NEVADA (NBC News/Marist): Obama d. Romney (48-46)

NEW YORK (Quinnipiac): Obama d. Romney (56-31)

OHIO (Rasmussen): Romney d. Obama (46-44)

WASHINGTON (Strategies 360): Obama d. Romney (51-40)

CA-PROP 28-TERM LIMITS (Field Poll): Support 50, Oppose 28

CA-PROP 29-TOBACCO TAX (Field Poll): Support 50, Oppose 42

MO-GOV (PPP): Gov. Jay Nixon (D) 45, Dave Spence (R) 34; Nixon 46, Bill Randles (R) 32

MO-GOV--R (PPP): Dave Spence 32, Bill Randles 11, Fred Sauer 4, John Weiler 1

NV-SEN (NBC News/Marist): Sen. Dean Heller (R) 46, Shelley Berkley (D) 44

WI-GOV (Garin-Hart-Yang for Barrett): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 50, Tom Barrett (D) 48

A few thoughts, as always, await you just past the jump ...

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