Thursday, October 4, 2012

The first 2012 presidential debate: President Obama vs. Mr. 47%, #13

2012 Presidential debates Join the conversation as the candidates square off and watch it live here.

7:57 PM PT: Here's some of the spin from Obama's campaign:

Romney on defense all night (and testy) Over tax, medicare plans Came to prosecute a case about the president but ended up defending his own plans -- or lack of specifics.

The President spoke directly to the American people, talked to voters as adults, laid out his plans to deal w/ deficit in a responsible way and create good paying sustainable jobs for mid class

7:59 PM PT: I haven't been able to do it yet, but I want to go back to the Medicare answer'my recollection is that Romney initially said he and Obama had the same policy on Medicare over the next decade, and then suddenly realized that would be an admission his $716 billion attack was bogus ... so he shifted gears. If my memory is right (and I think it is), Obama could have hammered Romney on that during the debate, but even now that the debate is over, Romney could still get hammered on it.

8:01 PM PT: First snap poll numbers coming in:

CBS KN instant reaction poll: Big win for Romney. By 46-22 say think  won, 56% have better opinion of Romney, Romney cares up from 30 to 63
— @MysteryPollster via Tweetbot for Mac

8:07 PM PT: CNN says it will have a post-debate poll up shortly.

8:12 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): New thread here.

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